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jq cheatsheet

ℹ️ The examples here use a JSON output from kubectl:

kubectl get po -o json | jq -r

    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
                "name": "bar-app",
                "namespace": "default",
            "spec": {
                "containers": [
                        "image": "kicbase/echo-server:1.0",
                        "name": "bar-app",

Data Extraction

Extract specific attribute

jq '.apiVersion'

Iterative extract attributes

jq '.items[]'
jq '.items[] |'

Recursive extract attributes

jq '.items[].spec.containers[].image'
jq '.items[] | .spec.containers[].image'

Extract multiple attributes

jq '.items[].spec.containers[] | {name, image}'

  "name": "bar-app",
  "image": "kicbase/echo-server:1.0"
  "name": "wma-test-app",
  "image": "wmax641/test-app:latest"
  "name": "foo-app",
  "image": "kicbase/echo-server:1.0"
  "name": "kubes-bootcamp",
  "image": ""
jq '.items[].spec.containers[] | {name, image} | join(",")'


However, to extract multiple attributes at different nest levels, employ this strategy:
While traversing down the nested structure, save certain attributes as a variable before continuing traversal. Then reconstruct the output referencing the variables

jq '.items[] | as $POD_NAME | 
    .spec.containers[] | {"pod":$POD_NAME, name, image}'

  "pod": "kubes-bootcamp-7b95d6fbcc-dll6x",
  "name": "kubes-bootcamp",
  "image": ""
  "pod": "kubes-bootcamp-7b95d6fbcc-dll6x",
  "name": "kubes-bootcamp-thirdwheel",
  "image": "alpine:latest"
  "pod": "kubes-bootcamp-7b95d6fbcc-sgcwt",
  "name": "kubes-bootcamp",
  "image": ""
  "pod": "kubes-bootcamp-7b95d6fbcc-sgcwt",
  "name": "kubes-bootcamp-thirdwheel",
  "image": "alpine:latest"

Slice an array

Similar to python indexing. Outputs into a separate list, so have to re-reference the new list

jq '.items[0:2] | .[]'


Get length of an array

jq '.items[].spec.containers | length'
Get keys for attribute
jq '.items[1].spec.containers[0] | keys '